"Peppermint!" his father spoke as he walked over, "You should be getting ready to leave this morning!"
Peppermint has been waiting for Christmas for the longest time. This year was the first he will be able to work alongside his family as a deliverer of presents to the lions of the tundra. Although, he doesn't quite know a lot about their line of work or how things operated.
Despite their work, they do celebrate Christmas in the evening. They baked cookies, bought candy canes, and made cocoa to celebrate when they arrive home after roaming the cold snow for hours. Peppermint had already grabbed a nice cup of cocoa and some snacks. He also snuck his present to open it while he ate.
As his father walked in, he noticed his son's treats. "What are you doing?! We don't have time for this!"
Peppermint looked confused. "What do you mean?"
"We have to go early in the morning! We can't stop and celebrate ourselves yet! Now come on!"
Peppermint got up hesitantly. He looked at his plate of treats and then back at his father. "Why can't we stay here?"
"Without us, everyone's Christmas could be ruined! Everyone needs us!"
Pepper sighed as he began to follow his father to the front door. He felt disappointment and a smidge of anger as he followed his father, knowing he won't get to celebrate right away.
His father noticed his son's mood. "Peppermint," he spoke, "at least we do get to celebrate it. We just have to work for it. It's rewarding to wait a while before you can do things."
"What do you mean...?"
"If you wait for something, it feels more rewarding! It's better to wait."
Peppermint thought on it, not saying another word to his father.
"Now, let's go. You have a lot to learn about delivering presents!" he told him as they began to head outside.
Written On: 12/1/20
Images (not counting background and navigation buttons) belong to Chicken Smoothie, Writing and Character (Concepts) belong to Yo, It's Alex. Fox